30fps Gif to 20fps apng
ffmpeg -i input.gif -r 20 -vframes 20 frame_%d.png
APNG Assembler
apngasm output.png frame*.png -l4
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion rem Check if files were dragged onto the script if "%~1"=="" ( echo Please drag and drop GIF files onto this script. pause exit /b 1 ) rem Loop through all dragged files :process_files if "%~1"=="" goto end_process rem Get the full path of the dragged file set "gif_path=%~1" rem Extract file name and directory set "file_name=%~n1" set "gif_folder=%~dp1" rem Change to the GIF folder cd /d "%gif_folder%" rem Step 1: Convert GIF to PNG frames with 20fps ffmpeg -i "%gif_path%" -r 20 -vframes 20 "%file_name%_frame_%%d.png" rem Step 2: Assemble PNG frames into APNG apngasm "%file_name%.apng" "%file_name%_frame_*.png" -l4 rem Clean up PNG frames del "%file_name%_frame_*.png" shift goto process_files :end_process echo Conversion complete! pause
Update Line 貼圖只吃 300x270 其中一邊限定270
- padding
- "[0:v] pad=w=300:h=270:x=(ow-iw)/2:y=(oh-ih)/2:color=#00000000, split [a][b]; [a] palettegen=max_colors=32 [p]; [b][p] paletteuse"
- scale
- "[0:v] scale=-1:270, split [a][b]; [a] palettegen=max_colors=32 [p]; [b][p] paletteuse"
palettegen=max_colors=32 (色彩深度? 反正就是顏色幾種 用越多越大 )
https://superuser.com/questions/1049606/reduce-generated-gif-size-using-ffmpeg https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35603464/transparency-is-gone-while-resizing-scaling-gif-using-ffmpeg
這我沒試過 都是GPT寫的
- PS1
param ( [string[]]$gif_paths ) if (-not $gif_paths) { Write-Output "Please drag and drop GIF files onto this script." pause exit } foreach ($gif_path in $gif_paths) { # Extract file name without extension and directory $file_name = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($gif_path) $gif_folder = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($gif_path) # Change to the GIF folder Set-Location $gif_folder # Step 1: Convert GIF to PNG frames with 20fps $frame_pattern = "$file_name`_frame_`%d.png" Start-Process ffmpeg -ArgumentList "-i", $gif_path, "-r", "20", $frame_pattern -NoNewWindow -Wait # Step 2: Assemble PNG frames into APNG $output_apng = "$file_name.apng" Start-Process apngasm -ArgumentList $output_apng, "$file_name`_frame_*.png", "-l4" -NoNewWindow -Wait # Clean up PNG frames Remove-Item "$file_name`_frame_*.png" } Write-Output "Conversion complete!" pause
以後可能用的到 https://www.npmjs.com/package/sharp-apng#encoderoptions